Our History

1983 Founded in Hong Kong, main product portfolio: silicone rubber keypads and rubber parts
1992 Started manufacturing in China of silicone rubber based electronic components
1997 Established Best Silicone Rubber (Dongguan, China) Manufacturing Co. with an area of 12,000 sqm
2000 Affiliated company, Oracle Gifts Limited was founded, distributed silicone rubber based gifts & premiums
2007 Best Rubber Product Limited manufacture gifts and premium for Oracle Gifts Limited under the newly launched brand, Candies
2008 Set up Dongguan Best Rubber Product Limited in Dongguan, China with 11,000 sqm
2009 Was awarded SA8000:2008 (Social Accountability Standard).
2010 Set up a subsidiary (Sales Office) in Japan
2012 Set up a subsidiary (Sales Office) in the Netherlands and Korea and a shop in Taiwan